How Mixed Reality Gave Me Purpose & Made My Daughter Proud

How mixed reality gave me purpose and made my daughter proud
Written by Toby Ellis, CEO at 

I’ve worked in the Innovation and Technology sector for a few years now, but it was a simple yet really confronting question my 8-year-old daughter asked me at breakfast one morning that forced me to think about technology, what I do, why I do it and helped to pivot the focus of our entire organisation. I’ll get to her question in a minute… 

I want you to think about training. Imagine safety training for a warehouse.  There are 10 people in a room and none of them want to be there. They would all prefer to be back doing their jobs. They’re working from a folder and in that folder, is a question. That question is “should you be looking at your personal device while walking across the warehouse floor where there are forklifts and PT’s operating?” Now, no-one gets that question wrong, but it doesn’t change behaviour because the second they leave that training room they’re all on their mobile phones.  

Now I want you to reimagine that training using our platform. First, the participant puts on the Mixed Reality headset and is immediately immersed in the environment. They are in the warehouse. They take the point of view of the person walking across the warehouse when they hear an SMS and a phone appears at the bottom of their view. They look down to read the text and in that split second, they are hit by a forklift.  Sounds a bit rough right, but not nearly as rough as not getting home to your kids. 

Did you know, that in Australia at the end of August 115 people had died as a result of workplace accidents and that that number is higher than the corresponding period last year?   Workplace accidents cripple people financially. A global number of cost is touted at $6bil but the impact on individual families is devastating. You see the problem is, traditional safety training produces poor real participation rates, low knowledge retention and is done in abstraction of consequence. 

Our Mixed Reality Training Platform creates immersive, interactive, gamified training experiences that makes it impossible to not be present and engaged during the training. We turn training into a game where you make decisions and learn by doing not by reading and data tells us that when you learn by doing you can lift knowledge retention from 5% to 75%. When you experience consequence, you get to feel the outcomes of your decisions and that’s what drives behavioural change.  

You become the forklift driver, the nurse, the student, the teacher. You’re not doing the training, you’re in the training. Actively participating, making decisions and experiencing the outcomes of those decisions. 
If safety and training are important to your organisation and you aren’t taking advantage of Mixed reality technology then please reach out to us today as we have a platform that can help you tomorrow. 
Now, back to that question my little girl asked. Matilda said “Daddy, how do you make your money?” At the time, my answer was “Ï help people see things differently using technology.” It was a cool answer but it lacked purpose. I wanted more purpose. My parents are teachers, my wife’s a teacher, my brothers served in the navy, I have cousins in the police force and friends who are nurses. I wanted more purpose in my work. I didn’t like my answer so I sought to change it. Now, our platform is making a real difference to businesses and communities. The next time my kids ask me how I make my money I am able to say, “Daddy helps people go back to their families the same way they went to work: Safe.”

To learn more about and how we drive real outcomes through virtual training, get in contact with us or visit

Consequence Driving Accountability

The untapped value of Mr Training
Toby Ellis, CEO at

The real battleground for Safety Training is creating a culture of safety accountability.

It’s the ultimate outcome in a minefield of tasks. Tasks like hazard identification that make us think we are doing our part when, unfortunately, the only thing we are improving is our ego.

A recent LinkedIn exchange really stood out for me. I was having my daily catchup/update on LinkedIn when a contact of mine commented on a post. The post was a picture of someone at heights without the appropriate safety gear. The person had been travelling to work and, thanks to a great/authentic attitude towards safety practices, was able to identify a safety problem: A powerful skill. They took a photo and posted it on LinkedIn with an important message like, “Workers at heights without harnesses. Be safe out there guys. Look after your people.”

Like lots of other people on the thread I applauded the post and fully endorsed the message. Be alert and aware and make safety something you actively look out for. Not just for yourself, but for those around you. Everyone deserves to go home safe. There were lots of comments of praise and lots of people who empathised with the post having too seen an incident that same day and how all too common scenes like this were. All you needed to do was be attuned to identifying safety issues and you could see them everywhere.

It was a 6-word comment from my contact that brought this illusion crashing down for me. He asked: “What did you do about it?” Wow! Exactly. What did you do about it. Did you stop and speak to someone on site? Did you go over to the worker and mention it? Or did you just take a photo and post it on social media?

I get it. It’s potentially complicated. There are people and emotions involved and it can be confronting. But it makes for a great discussion. If you are focused on safety and if that means ensuring that people get home to their families at the end of the day, when does the skill of identification actually deliver on this outcome? When you act on it and do something. And by do something, I mean something more than take a photo and share the message. That’s helpful and raises awareness, but in that moment, when that worker was at risk of not going home to their families, that’s when they most need you to be safety accountable.

Creating Safety Accountability is something that is hard to engender in people without them really appreciating the consequences of safety incidents, safety complacency and poor safety practices. This is exactly the types of outcomes that Mixed Reality (MR) Training is helping organisations of every size deliver to protect their people.

The ability to create MR Training experiences that let people experience consequence without being in a position of danger places safety identification in the context of action.

Imagine the following being delivered in fully immersive, gamified, 360, Mixed Reality:

  • You put the MR Viewer on to immerse yourself in a 360 MR Training experience  
  • See your colleague working around cranes under a suspended load? What do you do? Walk past it and mention it in the next team meeting or stop the job and get them out straight away?  You decide to walk past and speak scathingly of it in tomorrow’s meeting. Just after you decided to walk past it the lifting slings failed, crushing them. They died and the effect on family, friends and co-workers lasts a lifetime. 
  • See your mate working at heights without the appropriate harness? What do you do? Walk past it and mention it in the next team meeting or go over to the guy and say something? Again, you make a note of it and look forward to tomorrow’s meeting where you can play your part in helping keep the site safe. Just after you took that photo and drove away they fell and might not be able to work for 6 months. That’s devastating for the family. 

Instead of traditional training delivering these messages as a lecture/reading from a folder, you can experience it in MR and see the results of your decisions. You can see the accident and, critically, experience the effect and consequence of your action or inaction.
No-one wants to see a mate in hospital, be unable to be a dad or a mum to their kids, or see a family in financial trouble. So, when you use Mixed Reality Training to experience consequence without physically being there, you take a much larger step to creating armies of people who feel personally accountable for safety. And that accountability will drive action, not just identification.

Visit and get in touch with one of our Mixed Reality experts today.

Cover photo modified from original by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Consequence, Participation, Retention: The untapped value of MR Training

The untapped value of Mr Training
Written by Toby Ellis, CEO at

There’s a problem with traditional training:

  • Real participation rates are low
  • Retention of knowledge is low
  • Training is delivered in abstraction of consequence

And it’s not the fault of the training teams, the people taking part or the organisations: It’s a symptom of the tools at disposal not helping. Technology is to blame! But it doesn’t need to be. Mixed Reality (MR) Training is enabling organisations to reimagine training and pedagogies, to deliver improved results and a renewed enthusiasm on the part of the participants.
Let’s take a step back. Imagine a traditional training session at work. There are 10 people who are attending the 2-hour session away from their desks/jobs. Despite the very best of intentions of participants and trainers, too often the below is the real outcome:

  • 4 people are thinking about what they are going to do after work or at lunch
  • 2 people are consumed by the thought of all the work they could be doing if they were back at their desk
  • 1 person is reminiscing about the time they saw the Wallabies win the Bledisloe cup, on the siren, with a John Eales conversion in his very last game
  • 1 person is fading in and out of consciousness and is lucky to have the support of their colleague next to them who is providing some well timed ‘nudges’ to keep them from being noticed
  • 2 people are listening

I exaggerate to emphasise… but you get my point. In this example, there are 3 main problems:

  • Participation is low. In this example, only 20%.
  • Knowledge retention rates are low. Retention rates from learning by lecture are as low as 5% when compared to retention rates of 75% when you learn by doing.
  • This training very rarely lets people really understand and experience consequence of actions – what is the outcome and why is it important. So it becomes task focused, not outcome focused.

A lot of effort and a large commitment by everyone, that deserves a better result.

Fast forward to the same training delivered using MR Training.

  • The training is a game delivered using Mixed Reality. They put on the MR Headset, then get immersed in a game that shows them real people, asking real questions and each decision they get to see the same people show them what the consequence of that decision is. As if they are right there and it is happening to them in the 1st person.
  • Each participant can go through the training as part of a team or on their own, when it suits them.
  • The training team and organisation get access to the rich analytics of the MR Training for each individual and as a team/organisation to identify trends and think strategically about training needs.
  • The training can take a fraction of the time and the team are pretty excited about taking part in MR Training!! Let’s not kid ourselves… it’s cool!

MR Training solves problems we saw in the traditional approach.

  • 100% participation rates. By its very nature, MR Training is fully immersive. Try thinking about lunch or what you’re doing after work when you have an MR Headset on and are playing a Training Game!
  • Retention rates through the roof: from 5% retention rates for a lecture to 75% retention rates from ‘Learning by doing’ as a result of the gamification of the training.
  • Consequence brought to life: MR Training lets people experience consequence, without being in a position of danger! Outcome focused.

So, you’re left with more people participating, retaining more, with an opportunity to experience consequence.

These are exactly the sorts of outcomes 360DGREES.COM are helping enterprises achieve by challenging and innovating the way they deliver training. No longer a tick in the procedural box… training that delivers real outcomes. But it’s hard to explain… get in touch with us and we can show you so you can experience it for yourself.

1 Source: National Training Laboratories, USA
Banner image modified from original by Patsy Lynch @ FEMA Photo Library

What is Mixed Reality? And How You Can Leverage It

Leveraging Mixed Reality
by Max Harris, Media Producer at
Banner photo by  Maurizio Pesce 

You know what VR is, you think understand AR…but what is MR? As Virtual Reality and related technologies become increasingly widespread and commonplace, they are also developing and evolving at an incredible pace. There is a lot of confusion regarding the differences between the various incarnations of these technologies and the jargon surrounding them. For the most part, understanding these terms is all in the name and is somewhat intuitive if you break down the language. Understanding the phrase Mixed Reality and how you can use it is crucial for anyone who wants to stay on top of the latest waves of innovation, but more importantly in order to understand how a business can use MR to achieve to their greatest capacity. However first we need to understand some other terms.


Starting simple, reality refers to our experience of waking life – non-simulated, non-virtual. When you film something with an ordinary camera, you are capturing reality. Any unaltered flat video or film fits into this basic category.


Virtual Reality – Virtual Reality or Virtuality is completely constructed from computer generated graphics, and contains no real-world elements. It is best experienced using a headset such as the Oculus Rift, Project Morpheus or the Samsung Gear VR, to create the experience of being immersed in a completely virtual world. Though there are many applications for VR, the most obvious and well known being gaming.


360 degree video uses either omnidirectional cameras, or a collection of cameras stitched together in post-production, to create spherical videos. These videos wrap around the viewer so that they can move their point-of-view to look in every direction. 360 degree video can be viewed using a VR headset to create a similar experience to that of Virtual Reality – however the user is immersed in a completely real world. 360 degree video becomes even more exciting when it is augmented to become Mixed Reality, but we aren’t quite there yet.


Augmented Reality – AR takes the real world and overlays virtual components on top of it. Digital information is added to reality which can be viewed using a sensor-packed wearable device, such as Google Glass, the Daqri Smart Helmet or Epson’s Moverio brand of smart glasses. Augmented Reality was popularised by, and known to most people, the mobile application Pokemon Go. Augmented Reality is a form of Mixed Reality.


Augmented Virtuality – this is the inverse of AR. Whereas in AR Reality is the base layer with Virtuality overlaid or added on top; AV means Virtuality is the base layer with real life components overlaid. This also qualifies as Mixed Reality.


Mixed Reality – MR is an umbrella term of sorts because it applies wherever there is a mix of both Virtuality and Reality. In this way both AR and AV can be said to fall under the umbrella of MR, because they are both a combination of virtual elements and real elements.

How Can You Leverage This Information?

Now that we understand these terms, how can we leverage this information for a business or sole trader?

360 Degree Video

falls into the bracket of Mixed Reality when it is augmented with virtuality or/and interactive components. This includes virtual hotspots that allow the user to navigate in the virtual plane or to open links to websites, forms, or videos. It can also include virtual objects such as icons, badges, or computer generated objects or characters. is the only end-to-end service for 360 degree video, a platform which empowers anybody, regardless of skill set, to transform their basic 360 degree video with interactivity into a fully functional, highly immersive piece of Mixed Reality Content. As 360 degree video increasingly becomes widely available, the platform means that creating Mixed Reality can be done quickly and easily by anyone. 360 degree mixed reality videos have unlimited application, including gaming, entertainment, and training. Visit now to find out more – or try it for yourself!

HoloLens, AR and the future of Business Intelligence

Join us for two exciting events

Find out more about HoloLens and the future of Augmented Reality

Sydney’s most in demand 360 video agency is presenting two special events for marketers, brand experts and business owners.

This who are interested in integrating the latest techniques in modern technology to discover new outlets for product promotion will find this session highly informative.

HoloLens, AR and the future of Business Intelligence

Session One:
Thursday 17th November, 6pm @ Lakeba HQ
Click to book

Session Two:

Thursday 24th November 4pm @ Microsoft Brisbane

Hosted by 360Dgrees’ Darren Younger, this session will deliver exciting insights into the soon-to-be-released Microsoft HoloLens. Darren will introduce the technology of HoloLens and cover topics including how business can access this groundbreaking product to better reach and engage with their customers.

When combined with Augmented Reality, Microsoft HoloLens has the power to shape the next generation of business intelligence. Ivan will be discussing the big ideas and the simple ways to harness HoloLens to improve all of an areas of your business.

This talk will include guest speakers from Microsoft, who will deliver first-hand accounts of how Microsoft HoloLens is already infiltrating the marketplace.

Join us at one of these sessions for your chance to be let in on industry secrets and for the opportunity to network with industry peers in your city.

What is Microsoft HoloLens?

Haven’t heard of HoloLens? Get ready for the onslaught!  Look like a virtual reality headset, HoloLens uses Augmented Reality to overlay ‘holographic’ objects, combining them with the reality of what you are seeing around you.

HoloLens is being worked on by developers around the world who are exploring its potential to completely revolutionise the worlds of design, training, gaming, education and marketing.

By combining the real world with the digital one, Microsoft HoloLens is creating an entirely new dimension where people can work, play and be entertained. Users will be able to use swiping motions to control their HoloLens world and will also be able to direct what they’re seeing using simple head movements.

Think about the possibilities – viewing your overseas colleagues as 3D holograms during meetings, learning on virtual products in real time and gaming in an environment that combines your lounge room with a fantasy world.

Customers will be able to pop on HoloLens to see what their entire home would look like completely redecorated or even to superimpose new outfits onto themselves from home. The possibilities are endless!

To hear more examples of how Microsoft HoloLens can integrate with your business, book your seat at our information-packed session today!